

Here is something I am currently working on. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. For those who read my blog (so basically my mom and sisters) my sister Katie and her husband Markus are starting a photography business. They have everything set up in their home to be set up as a little studio and are in the process of getting a website. They've asked me to be apart of this business. It's a big deal to me, and ever since the offer was made I feel like any pictures I take from now on have more riding on them than "I'm just taking these pictures for fun". But stay tuned cause I've got more photos to come :)

Progress of the Calgary Temple

Looks like they are making some good progress since I last visited.
Click here if you'd like to see those pictures I took.

Happy Thanksgiving

I was able to go home for a much needed break. Somethings I got to do over the week: hangout in the kindergarten class that my mom teaches, go to a CPO concert with my mom, spend time with my nieces and nephews, hangout with old friends and get much needed sleep! I even cooked a turkey dinner, all by my self! Go me!

I snuck a picture of the orchestra playing. You can kind of see my dad standing in a clump of other percussion players infront of the gong. 


give them nice sweaters & teach them how to dance

I really like it when the weather switches and it starts to get cold outside. It then becomes acceptable to wear three sweaters and your tacky knee high socks. This time of year, you have the excuse of staying indoors to watch a good movie, drink tea and snuggle up to someone you love. 

Or, if you live in our apartment, you bring out four bags of chips, three different kinds of salsa and eat the afternoon away. It's been a busy and rough semester, but moments like these are what make it all worth it.



awake my soul

Rockclimbing with my friend Zach and his rockclimbing crew was the coolest experience of my life. It felt amazing to be able to climb all the way to the top and be able to say, "yeah, I did that!" and be able to look down at see what you accomplished. As I was on my way home, I felt so rejuvenated and good about life! It was so great and I recommend everyone try climbing at least once in their life.



To Grandmothers House We Go

I only have a few memories as a young kid at my Grandmothers house. The one that I remember the most was eating cinnamon buns fresh out of the oven. For some reason everyone else was gone for the afternoon, and I snuck into the kitchen (making sure not to wake Grandpa Rawlings who was asleep in his chair) and took as many cinnamon buns, loaded with butter of course, and snuck back down into the basement where I would eat them and play with barbies. This is just the beginning of my love for butter.


Life Is A Dream

This semester I had the great opportunity to be apart of BYU-Idahos production of Life is a Dream. This was my first audition and acting role I've been in since highschool. It was a great experience and I learned so much! I also made many new friends and had so many laughs. I love theatre and am excited to continue on learning and see where this takes me. 

Baby, its getting cold outside

I remember as a kid going trick-or-treating, and wearing three pairs of pants, two sweaters, a winter jacket, tuque, three pairs of gloves and snow pants....and that was all under my costume. I only made it to three houses on the block, then we would turn around and go home because it was so cold.

My other memory of halloween, was dumping my candy bag right in front of the tv. It became a "family pile" and as everyone walked by the tv room they would stop and pick through the candy. The candy would stay there for about a month until all the good candy was picked through.

I find that it is always the day of Halloween that the cold starts to set in. And baby, rexburg is getting cold outside!

My roommate Emily did some experimenting with my film camera! I'm trying to sell people on the idea that film is SO much better than digital! One person at a time. And her pictures turned out great!