
Hurd Family

"Mom, guess what Amanda gave me? 
A brown sandwich with cheese and it was brown all over" 

What an amazing weekend this was! I got to babysit the girls for the afternoon, go to the farm and pet some cows, play dress up, watch harry potter while drinking butterbeer, eat salsa & chips, make some delicious bruschetta, spend an afternoon on my sisters new patio, sing at the top of our lungs on the patio, go to the gardens and take pictures of my sister, her husband and the girls! Definitely one of the best weekends of the summer! I can't wait to do it again! This was also the first time using my film camera with the flash (and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out) Hope you enjoy!

Ps. The brown sandwich that my niece was talking about, was an ice cream sandwich.

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.


you & i

lets get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of france

lets get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance

lets get rich and build a house on a mountain making everybody look like ants

from way up there, you & i

I've been having a hard time starting this blog entry because I don't know where to begin. Denae is known as my "other half". We have this joke where we say, "how do WE feel about this?" because we think so much alike. I'm not sure whose idea it was to have me take Denae's engagement pictures, but I am so glad I did! They are getting married in just a couple weeks and I couldn't be happier for them both.