
kill them with kindness

This is my niece Hattie. She is five years old, and has two older sisters and a younger brother. Being the middle child is rather hard for her because her older sisters are usually off doing their own things, and her younger brother is too little to do some of the activities she wants to do. One afternoon while I was at their house, Hattie came into the room in hysterics. Earlier her older sisters had left her out of a game they were playing on the trampoline. She felt absolutely devastated because her sisters were constantly leaving her out. Hattie, my sister and I went into another room to try to comfort her without the other kids around. Her mother suggested that Hattie does a special activity with her Aunt Amanda that none of the other siblings would be apart of such as painting our nails. Hattie, who was finally able to control her tears, took a moment to think about this proposition. Being able to have special time with her Aunt Amanda without her older sisters to compete for attention is a rare and special offer. She finally said, “No, everybody needs to do it. Because I don’t want them to feel the same way as I did”. I have never seen such kindness and profound words from a five year old. She understood the concept of kindness and didn’t want her sisters to feel or be treated the same way she was on that trampoline.

No act of kindness is ever wasted. 
You cannot do a kindness too soon. 
Acting kindly can change the giver and the receiver for good. 

This picture (I know its blurry, but who cares) was taken after this experience I had with her. Seeing a five-year-old act with such maturity and sincerity warmed my heart. 
I am so blessed to have her in my life.  

im sorry that i keep saying im sorry

Apologies. I hate apologizing for something stupid you've done. It is a horrible feeling to say or do something and immediately know that it was wrong or humiliating. There are countless times where I have let my big mouth get in the way and I say something wrong to someone. Apologizing is worse when you are saying sorry for something you didn't do. At least, you think it wasn't your fault, but in reality it probably was. 

apologies should grow like trees, 
only able to bear fruit if its root is planted 
in the soil of genuine sincerity

 I would like to first apologize to my mother and sisters, for being so quick to snap my tongue at them. This year, there has been a lot of different phone calls and discussions about a number of things going on in my life - and because of my bad temper, they end badly.

Second, I would like to apologize to the State of Montana. I have judged you and hated you for the past three years. We started off on the wrong foot. My first experience in Montana was horrible and it hasn't gotten any better over the years as I drive back and forth between Canada and the States. I decided on my way home from Canada last month, I was going to give Montana a chance. Instead of just booking through the state as fast as I could - I stopped and admired the place. This is what I found, and what a shame I didn't find it sooner.


with a little help from my friends

Even though time and different pathways have separated these girls, they are still able to meet and pick up where they left off. They have been friends since highschool, some even elementary. It was so much fun to take pictures of these lovely ladies in front of the Rexburg Temple. 

"It is one of the blessings of old friends 
that you can afford 
to be stupid with them."

Ralph Waldo Emerson



love thy neighbor

This is Alison. She is fabulous & I'll tell you why.

Ali is the sweetest and selfless girl I know. 
Doesn't matter what is going on in her life, she is thinking and serving others. 
Even when someone isn't treating her with well, she still loves them and does anything for them.

She takes "love thy neighbor" to a whole new level. I have so much respect for this girl and her incredible outlook on life. She is also hilarious. I absolutely love her sense of humor and what incredible fun she is to be around. Love you Alison.


there's a fire starting in my heart

My third semester in Rexburg I moved to a new apartment and was scared and excited out of my mind! I didn't know anyone in my apartment or in the apartment complex and was excited to start another year after a really hard summer. Lindsay was my roommate that semester and I have been so blessed to have her in my life. 

Lindsay and I have lived together for two semesters now and they have been two of the greatest semesters I've had in burg. Lindsay just recently got her mission call to Brazil and will be leaving in October. I am going to miss her so much! She has been such an amazing example to me and an incredible friend. Whenever I was having a bad day, she could walk into our room and immediately make me smile. I get to spend the next seven weeks with her this summer before she leaves for her mission. She is going to be a fabulous missionary and the people in Brazil are going to fall in love with her. I love you Lindsay. 

Here's an amazing artist. I love her. I love her music. I love her passion. Check her out.



teach & heal

Spring semester finally came (and as I'm posting this, its about to end). 

The semester started off with me at my lowest of lows. But I've pushed through and did a lot of praying and searching. What have I learned? Well I've learned more about who I am and am starting to figure out what I want for the future with friends, boys, school & work. Its slowly all coming together. Unfortunately with my luck, it will all fall apart again because I never seem to learn my lesson. But every time things fall apart, although it feels like I'm loosing everything, I'm actually gaining. 

"Although powerful & influential neither your present not your past need to command your tomorrows."

I had started the semester unemployed which was horrible. Three weeks doing absolutely nothing. Worst experience ever. Finally I found employment as a nanny. These girls who I only spend a few hours every day with, have changed my life. They give me this unconditional love and bring this sunlight into my day that no one else here in Rexburg has. My mom said once over a phone call as I was telling her this, "let these girls teach & heal you"

And I have.



only rainbows after rain

I've had a lot of fun using my film camera. I hadn't had any experience using the camera outside so I wrangled up my roommates and Denae's now fiance and took them outside for some picture taking. While driving around Rexburg or to and from work, I keep my eyes open for any potential "photo taking spots". These particular train tracks I drive by when making a trip down to Walmart (only the best thing Rexburg has to offer). So we decided we would check them out.

We almost got in trouble and I thought we were going to get asked to leave, but the gentleman was kind and asked that we just don't take pictures around the back of the building. I learned a lot about using my camera while in sunlight, and some of the pictures aren't that great because I am stilling learning, but I am excited to go out and try again. 

Best moment of the day. I look over and the group is all peeling paint off of the house. 
They stood there doing this for a good ten minutes.




My friend Mike Dobrusky is a wonderful musician and has been a great friend the past three years. I met him in rexburg and we have shared a common interest in music such as Bon Iver, City and Colour, Glen hansard & Marketa Irglova, Arcade Fire and much more. We are constantly sharing "songs of the day" which I absolutely love because it has allowed me to find and listen to some incredible music. It was great to photograph him in his working space and be able to listen to his music. Mike also was adventurous and thought it would be fun to go and take some pictures around Rexburg and Idaho Falls. He was so great to photograph, I would say things like stand here, stop moving, move over here, hold this, don't do this (please and thankyou were implied) and he was always willing to do it.  It was such a great learning experience and I loved every minute of it. Thanks Mike for letting me take these photos. 

Mike is currently working on his EP which I am very excited for! I will definitely be posting some of his songs on here when I can, but until then, here is one of my favorite songs. Enjoy. 
